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100% Accountability

Being 100% Accountable Can Change the Course of Your Life!

Are there any hip hop fans reading this? I like lots of different types of music and hip hop is one genre. There is one rapper/businessman that I like and his name is Percy Miller or Master P to those who know that name better. In one of his songs there is a lyric that says, “You was put in this world by yourself, You suppose to depend on you and nobody else”. That line stuck with me for a long time and is still something that I think about. Many of us have at least one other person that we can depend on, but for many of us this is not the case. Whether we have a support system or not, this doesn’t absolve us from being 100% accountable or ourselves.

But what is 100% accountability? From my perspective, I think this means we need to take full ownership of our lives. This ownership includes our successes, learning experiences, traumas, etc. During my time on this earth, I have mostly seen people take ownership of the successes, but the learning experiences (what many others call failures) seem to be the fault of others.

I Think He Realizes That Accountability is Key to His Success!!

When a person takes full responsibility for themselves i.e., has 100% accountability, they realize a few things. One thing they realize is that they can only control one thing in this world and that one thing is themself. They also realize that it is pointless to put effort, concern, or accumulate stress about things they can’t control. This provides a level of clarity of where a person needs to put their efforts in life and also provides them with a scope of responsibility and accountability. This topic is connected to one of my previous topics of Self Awareness: The Ultimate Vantage Point!  have a read if you would like. Having this defined scope of accountability also helps with self awareness. I think many of you can see the connection here.

Is it You or Them?

Our mindset towards accountability has a direct impact on how well we do in life in general. Have you ever heard someone tell a story about an experience they had that didn’t end the way they wanted? I know I have. It usually goes something like this: I was trying to accomplish this thing and this other person did this, so it stopped me from accomplishing it. Sound familiar? It definitely does to me. A person that doesn’t have the mindset of 100% accountability will always be able to identify so called obstacles that prevented them in life. The person with 100% accountability would say to themselves, yes that person may have made it harder, but what could I have done to potentially change the course of that situation so that I would have gotten the outcome that I wanted (self awareness, accountability, and taking on a learning opportunity). These mindsets are drastically different. One is focusing on the one thing that can be controlled, one's self and the other is focusing on things that are beyond their control. So in the long run or the next go round, who do you think will end up being successful? I bet on 100% accountability.

Easier Said Than Done!

Those of us who read this and wonder where you are in relation to this 100% accountability mindset or those who are questioning the validity of this, I challenge you to put this to the test. The next time you are in some situation where you didn’t have the desired outcome, instead of looking around yourself for the reasons why, look at yourself for the reasons why. I bet you will find that there was at least one thing you could have done better or differently that probably would have changed the outcome. Then be resilient and have another go round at it.

Because you ultimately believe that by changing yourself you can change your life's trajectory, hence having full accountability for yourself. Guess what will happen, you will prove yourself right. I know I did when I shifted my mindset. But don’t simply take my word for it, accept the challenge and put this to the test as I stated earlier. My shift in mindset made me resilient, empowered, self aware, and truly believing that I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to. It can happen for you as well. I hope this was a joy to read. 

Until next time…  

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